It can range from a minor Bruise or sprain to a skull fracture with Brain damage or a spinal-cord injury with paralysis. 其范围从小型挫伤或扭伤到大脑受损的头颅裂开或麻痹性脊椎伤害。
Results The four injury types were in the order of superficial injury, open injury, sprain injury and fracture; 结果8130例急门诊伤害儿童患者中,损伤类型前四位是浅表损伤、开放性伤、脱位扭伤/劳损和骨折。
The major injury types for Sanda and boxing athletes are sprain, bruise and contusion, while fracture, dislocation and serve brain injury are less common. 扭伤、擦伤、挫伤是散手和拳击运动员发生的主要损伤类型,严重损伤如骨折、脱位、严重颅脑损伤较为少见;